State of the Morbin(2024 Review)

See last year’s review here:

Can you believe this will be year 3 Morgantown exists? I certainly can’t. Even though we brand ourselves solely as Morgantown now, we still now pride ourselves as a growing and stable community. One of the reasons we have lasted so long being the fact we don’t worry as much about rentals, but expand based on tier contributions from our members. Each member and faction of the community is thriving on their own, but we become better as one. (remember that quote from last year)

Key Stats:

  • Morgantown Proper has 9 regions: Cisseps, Ello, Ginsberg, Hydrangea, Orache, Ranunculus, Shark, Turnip, and Yucca!
  • 193 Members in our Discord! (Psst… you can join it here, I promise at least 4% don’t bite.
  • 236448 Square Meters of Land, totaling 3.6 regions(plus our amazing partner community to the West, Foxtown!)


We had a few losses this year as our beloved partner communities, Black Forest and Eastgate unfortunately had to close. Morgantown reaffirms our commitment and hopes to expand once again one day, meanwhile we are focusing on redeveloping our existing lands to maximize our potential.


We have a amazing roleplay HUD system under development and deployment for our community to use. This will bring new opportunities for factions, combat, and other forms of roleplay. Get a HUD at our welcome center!

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